
This is part 2 of multi-armed bandits. In this part, we rethink when and how we can be sure a certain arm is better than another arm. In the previous part, I introduced the Explore-First algorithm, which does the job, but with a high regret from exploration. Can we do better? More specifically, can we determine when to give up exploring a suboptimal arm? Here, we introduce the first step - spreading out exploration over time.

Stochastic Bandits

Here is a quick reminder of the notation and setting of the stochastic multi-armed bandit setting. In the stochastic setting, all rewards are drawn iid from a distribution corresponding to the arm. Let us formalize this problem with notation:

  • \(K\) arms, \(T\) rounds.

  • \(r_{t}\sim\mathcal{D}_{a}\), the reward of arm \(a_{t}\) chosen at round \(t\) is iid from the distribution over arm \(a\).

  • \(\mu(a)=\mathbb{E}[\mathcal{D}_{a}]\) is the mean reward of arm \(a\).

  • \(\mu^{*}=\max_{a\in A}\mu(a)\) is the optimal mean reward.

  • \(\Delta(a_{t})=\mu^{*}-\mu(a_{t})\) is the gap between mean reward of \(a_{t}\) and the optimal mean reward.

The stochastic bandit problem is given by

  • \(K\) arms, \(T\) rounds.

  • For every round \(t=1\ldots T\),

    • Algorithm chooses an arm \(a_{t}\).

    • Algorithm observes the true reward \(r(a_{t})\)

The objective of this problem is to minimize regret (this definition is also known as pseudo-regret), i.e.


however, since the latter term is a random variable, we want to minimize the expected regret.



One of the main problems in the Explore First algorithm was simply because it spent all the time at the beginning exploring. A similar algorithm, which spreads exploration over time, does better. This is the \(\epsilon\)-greedy algorithm:

  • For every round \(t=1,\ldots,T\):

    1. With probability \(\epsilon_{t}\), choose an arm uniformly at random. Otherwise, choose the arm with the highest realized mean reward.

Note that \(\epsilon_{t}\) can depend on the round. This is important for a good regret bound. To analyze this, we will fix a round \(t\), then think about the expected increase in regret \(\mathbb{E}[\Delta(a)]\) at round \(t\).When calculating this expectation, we expect to see two components: one part when the arm is chosen uniformly at random, and another component when the arm is chosen with the highest mean reward. Thus,

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}[\Delta(a)] & =Pr[\text{exploration}]\cdot R(\text{exploration at round t})+Pr[\text{exploitation}]\cdot R(\text{exploitation at round t})\\ & \le\epsilon_{t}\cdot1+(1-\epsilon_{t})\cdot R(\text{exploitation at round t}) \end{aligned}\]

Before we can calculate that, however, we need to get a bound on how far we expect the the mean of each arm at round \(t\) is from the true mean of each arm. For this, we need to set up a clean event. The clean event, as a reminder, is the event where all the sampled means of our arms are close to their true means, with some confidence radius we define. We can use Hoeffding’s inequality to get a strong probabilistic bound. However, we need to be more careful, since the number of times each arm can be played is a random variable itself, which means to preserve independence between the random variables we will use in Hoeffding’s inequality.

To set this up, imagine a world where we have \(K\) number of \(1\times T\) length reward tapes for each arm \(D_{a}\), i.e. an array of length \(T\) filled with \(T\) draws of rewards from \(D_{a}\). Whenever we pull an arm \(a\) for the \(j\)th time, we will get the reward determined at cell \(j\) of the reward tape of arm \(a\). Let \(\bar{v}_{j}(a)\) be the average of the rewards we obtain from \(j\) times of pulling arm \(a\). Now, from Hoeffding’s, like we did in the Explore-First algorithm, at the \(j\)th time we pull arm \(a\),

\[\begin{aligned} Pr[|\bar{v}_{j}(a)-\mu(a)|\ge\eta] & \le2\exp(-\frac{2\eta^{2}}{\sum_{i=1}^{j}(b_{i}-a_{i})^{2}})\\ & =2\exp(-\frac{2\eta^{2}}{\sum_{i=1}^{j}(\frac{1}{j}-0)^{2}})\\ & =2\exp(-2\eta^{2}j) \end{aligned}\]

Since \(j\) is fixed in this case, we can pick \(\eta=\sqrt{\frac{2\log T}{j}}\) to yield


We can union bound over all arms and all \(j\) to yield

\[Pr[\mu_{t}(a)-\mu(a)\le\sqrt{\frac{2\log T}{n_{t}(a)}}]\ge1-\frac{2}{T^{2}}\]

with the assumption that \(K\le T\). However, we still are missing information about what \(n_{t}(a)\) could be. We can argue that our bound is at its worst when \(n_{t}(a)\) is the smallest, i.e. when \(a\) is only being explored, but not exploited. Therefore, we can loosen our bound of our clean event to be

\[Pr[\mu_{t}(a)-\mu(a)\le\sqrt{\frac{2\log T}{n_{t}(\text{explore }a)}}]\ge1-\frac{2}{T^{2}}\]

Now, we argue that \(n_{t}(\text{explore }a)\) must be close to its expected value, which would be \(\frac{t\epsilon_{t}}{K}\). Under another Hoeffding bound, we can show that \(n_{t}(\text{explore }a)\) is less than \(\sqrt{\frac{\log T}{t}}\) away from \(\frac{t\epsilon_{t}}{K}\) with probability \(1-\frac{2}{T^{4}}\). Thus, our clean event is the event that \(\mathcal{E}=\left\{ \mu_{t}(a)-\mu(a)\le\sqrt{\frac{2K\log T}{t\epsilon_{t}}}\text{and }|n_{t}(a)-\frac{t\epsilon_{t}}{K}|\le\sqrt{\frac{\log T}{t}}\right\}\).

\[Pr[\mu_{t}(a)-\mu(a)\le\sqrt{\frac{2K\log T}{t\epsilon_{t}}}\text{and }|n_{t}(a)-\frac{t\epsilon_{t}}{K}|\le\sqrt{\frac{\log T}{t}}]\ge1-(\frac{2}{T^{2}}+\frac{2}{T^{4}})\]

We can now wrap this all up. Regret accumulated during exploitation becomes the same analysis as in Explore-First, i.e.

\[\mu(a^{*})-\sqrt{\frac{2K\log T}{t\epsilon_{t}}}\le\mu(a^{*})\le\mu(a')\le\mu(a')+\sqrt{\frac{2K\log T}{t\epsilon_{t}}}\]

and thus,

\[\mu(a^{*})-\mu(a')\le2\sqrt{\frac{2K\log T}{t\epsilon_{t}}}\]

Thus, using our expression from above for \(\mathbb{E}[\Delta(a)]\), we have

\[\mathbb{E}[\Delta(a)]\le\epsilon_{t}+(1-\epsilon_{t})\cdot2\sqrt{\frac{2K\log T}{t\epsilon_{t}}}\le\epsilon_{t}+2\sqrt{\frac{2K\log T}{t\epsilon_{t}}}\]

Setting the two sides, equal, we get \(\epsilon_{t}=t^{-1/3}(K\log t)^{1/3}\). Thus, the overall regret (only considering the clean event) will be

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}[R(t)] & =\mathbb{E}[\sum_{t=1}^{T}\Delta(a)]\\ & \le t\cdot\mathbb{E}[\Delta(a)]\\ & \le t^{2/3}(K\log t)^{1/3} \end{aligned}\]

So what’s the difference - isn’t this the same bound as we obtained for Explore-First? Yes, but this bound holds for all rounds \(t=1,\ldots,T\), whereas for Explore-First the bound only held once we reached some \(T\). So we’ve made some progress, but not too much. In order to really improve our bounds, we need to introduce a new technique - next time, I’ll introduce UCB-style algorithms.